About Us

Karuna Bali Foundation

Karuna Bali—YAYASAN KARUNA BALI —is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-religious Indonesian organization, created to assist in providing education and individual growth opportunities to the people of Bali and elsewhere.
The operational center for Karuna Bali is located on the main Campuhan-Sanggingan highway into Ubud.

Karuna Bali goes beyond traditional teaching

Based on the conviction that each student carries within himself and herself an innate knowing of their natural values, skills and creativity. Our intention is to offer them the opportunity to direct their energy into these areas and thereby grow into their full potential.

Karuna Bali uniqueness lies in its innovative unity

Between our students and faculty, both facilitators and administration. Our focus for all is that of cultivating and maintaining a Values Based Atmosphere in all we do together. We believe that all of us are growing, learning and extending our natural capabilities.

The responsibility of modelling values are shared equally between the staff and students.

Our role as an educational institution is to provide a values based environment wherein everyone thrives. We believe when our values, purpose and skills are aligned endless possibilities appear to create a positive influence impacting our personal lives, family and community.
As we have grown, and been recognized by the Indonesian Department of Education under the category of “alternative school” it became necessary for us to register for the NGO status, requiring also for us to adopt an Indonesian name. From “Bali Outreach” to one of Indonesian language – we chose “Karuna Bali” – “Karuna”, meaning Compassion and “Bali” for the location... but for us Bali meant, “Bringing Alive Love's Inspiration” which says it all.

Values and Beliefs

God - Love - Integrity - Service

The Karuna Bali Foundation is committed to the following values and beliefs:

  1. The Karuna Bali Foundation is committed to interacting with all people and institutions with full love and compassion, regardless of age, race, belief, or nationality.
  2. The Karuna Bali Foundation believes that education plays a crucial role in nurturing and connecting generations of wise, caring, and diverse leaders who dedicate themselves to community service.
  3. The Karuna Bali Foundation recognizes that often the best way to help someone is to give them the opportunity to help themselves, and that the best people to solve a problem are those most affected by it.
  4. The Karuna Bali Foundation acknowledges that effective community service programs must involve all stakeholders.
  5. The Karuna Bali Foundation recognizes that valuing the integrity of each individual will create mutual respect and shared commitment.

Karuna Bali Vision

Everyone has the freedom to determine their own destiny and is given the opportunity to reach their best potential. With access to education and supporting resources, we believe that each individual can make a positive contribution to the community.

Karuna Bali Mission

  1. Providing opportunities and resources that educate, inspire, and empower everyone who: demonstrates integrity, has a desire to serve, wishes to benefit others, and intends to realize their potential.
  2. Inspiring everyone to provide benefit and support to others in an ever-expanding circle.
Karuna Bali Vision and Mission